Four Ways To Prepare For Better Scores This Golf Season
New Season, New You.. Right?
The game of golf is tough enough as is and each year golfers get ready for the season with goals and expectations for better play, more fluent swing, and of course– buying the newest equipment all for the hope of obtaining lower scores.
Rest assured, there is hope. Most golfers tend to overlook the small details which are guaranteed to help you play more consistently with little to no money spent.
Clean Your Grooves.
- Did you know there is as much as a 50% difference in spin rates on clean vs dirty grooves?
- What does this mean for you? Launch angles increases 5-6 degrees, carry distance increases 4-6 yards, and most likely a missed green long..
How do dirty grooves hurt your game?
- Imagine you have 100 Yards to a tucked back left pin and your margin for error is only 3 yards long of the pin. With dirty grooves, the shot you think you can pull off just unknowingly became a guaranteed miss which may have cost you a birdie or par.
Clean Your Grips.
- Grips are often overlooked to be cleaned as they typically do not visibly show dirt. However, studies show when grips are worn or dirty, golfers tend to over grip the club causing tension in the swing and resulting in a miss-hit.
Best Grip Saving Prevention.
- Buy a Fresh Glove.
- Starting with a fresh glove guarantees you have a clean surface to grip the club with providing a tacky feel to give you the most feel through the club, after all the club is just a tool to translate movement from your body to ball.
- Clean your grips after each round.
- A simple water soap mix will suffice to wipe down any dirt or debris your grips may have picked up during the round.
Ready for that new glove? Click Here!
Practice How You Play.
- You already know which ball is best for your game from taking Quantix’s Virtual Fit. Now it's time to practice in the same fashion you play. Head over to your favorite practice facility and pull out a sleeve of Quantix Balls and begin on the putting green. Maybe you struggle to make those pesky 4ft puts to close out a match or just cant find your feel on the green at all. Our Tour Pros use this one simple trick to perfect their stroke: Practice till you CAN’T miss. A lazy practice will result in a lazy play which is detrimental to your game.
Ready for more balls? Click Here!
Get Mentally Right.
- Whether for you this starts with cleaning out your bag of old scorecards, water bottles, or ball sleeves, feeling a sense of organization will calm your mind when it's time to play. Next, set up goals in your mind for this season- Pre Shot routine, shot shaping, making putts in crucial moments, or having that perfect ball striking you've been working on. Your mind is a powerful tool which you MUST set up for success.
Now that we've gone through your pre-season checklist, it's time to get out there and make this season different from years past. Better Golf, Better You.
- Team Quantix